
Is your child ready for lessons?

Do you have a child between the ages of 5-7 who is ready to begin?

Join us for an upcoming demonstration class. Click here to sign up. We’d love to meet you!

Click Here to watch our video and find out MORE about our beginning program that will set your child on a life long trajectory into musical success.

Our advanced program is almost full.

Contact us for more information.

In addition to in person lessons, we also offer video lessons on the web, mobile, Amazon FireTV or Apple TV. Find out more about our online program at Musik at Home.

We have been thrilled with Kathryn Brunner’s exceptional teaching for these 11 years.  Her expertise in early childhood music education is a joy to me as a homeschooling mom. Her passion for her work comes across in her love for meeting the developmental needs of every child who enters her studio.

Kathryn has been my son’s music teacher since he was 3 years old starting in 2005. My son is now 14 years old and continues to study piano at Kathryn Brunner’s Piano Studio with one of Kathryn’s associate teachers, making great strides in his musicianship. After the Cycle of Seasons Preschool program, Kathryn took him through Musikgarten’s Music Makers at Home (2006-2007) and Music Maker’s at the Keyboard Curriculum (2007-2010) all in a class setting with other students. Her teaching has been outstanding. She provided my son a solid foundation during the formative years of his musical growth.

Kathryn also taught my second, third and fourth children in Family Music for Toddlers from 2006-2011.  My second and third children went through her Music Makers Around the World at the Keyboard program from 2010-2011. My second child completed the three year Music Makers at the Keyboard program in 2014, and my third child completed the MMK program in 2015 both with Kathryn and her associate teachers. My fourth child is currently in his first year of Music Makers at the Keyboard as Kathryn’s student. I love seeing my children thrive in music. Kathryn’s studio has provided the foundation for their musical development.

Marie Pinney – Piano Studio Parent

Our daughter Keira, who is currently 11, started her piano journey at Kathryn Brunner’s Piano Studio at the age of 5 in Musikgarten’s Music Makers at the Keyboard program (MMK) with Kathryn. She loved the program and quickly became very fluent in the language of music!  I believe it gave her a great foundation for where she is in her piano journey right now. She still loves to play piano and practicing is a joy for her – most days!  She was recently selected as an Honorable Mention Winner in the American Protege Competition and will play in Carnegie Hall in November. We’re all really excited for this experience and very proud of her. We currently have our youngest daughter, Eva, enrolled in the first year of the MMK program, and look forward to experiencing her musical journey as she progresses. We are grateful to Kathryn and all her wonderful teachers for the great instruction and care they have given our children.

Michelle Konson – Piano Studio Parent